John E. Callies
Independent Director
Age: 68
Director of ePlus since 2010
Committees: Audit and Compensation (Chair)
Other Public Company Directorships: None

Mr. Callies has been a Senior Advisor to McKinsey and Company since 2011, and also serves on the Advisory Board of the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado. Previously, he was employed by IBM in various capacities for 34 years. Mr. Callies served as General Manager of IBM Global Financing from 2004 until his retirement in June 2010. With operations in 55 countries supporting 125,000 clients, Mr. Callies led the world’s largest information technology financing and asset management organization and was responsible for business direction and management of a portfolio of nearly $35 billion in total assets. Mr. Callies is a graduate of Lehigh University.

The Board believes that Mr. Callies’ knowledge of our business, including the leasing sector, along with his sales, operational, strategic, international, and board experience bring value to the Board.


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